Our three hotels have received the Clef Verte (Green Key) eco-label.
The Clef Verte eco-label is the first international label to highlight the tourist establishments, hotels and restaurants that are committed to the process of reducing their environmental impact.
The award criteria are many and varied, involving energy saving, team training, the choice of products and the sorting of waste. They are also regularly reassessed and adapted as new regulations and requirements arise.
In 2023, the three hotels of the Magna Arbor group were among the 1,077 in France to receive the Clef Verte label.

Our actions
Coming from a family of farmers who live and work close to the land, we are convinced that it is urgent to act and that we can all do so. Our approaches follow several threads.

Reducing our electricity consumption
- We offer a cleaning service on request, not systematically, to reduce our energy impact
- We first improved the energy performance of our buildings by installing double glazing everywhere.
- A central control allows us to manage the air conditioning (both hot and cold) and therefore limit the number of devices and reduce electricity consumption by 75% compared to a conventional installation, while maintaining optimal comfort.
- All our minibars are unplugged when guests leave, giving you the freedom to use them or not, as you prefer.
- Finally, motion detectors are installed in the corridors to switch on the light only when necessary.
Reducing our water consumption
- The showers in our rooms are equipped flow reducers.
- We prioritised showers over bathtubs when renovating the rooms.
- Finally, we offer our guests a flexible cleaning service, including changing sheets and towels only on request, in order to reduce consumption linked to washing linen.

Reducing waste, sorting and recycling
- We have implemented waste sorting in all our establishments and specific bins are available for this purpose
- We digitalise procedures and so use less paper.
- In the rooms, we offer organic hygiene products in dispenser format, provided by a family business committed to an environmentally friendly approach.
- At breakfast, we favour “bulk” products rather than packaged individual portions.
- Finally, in the spirit of anti-waste and solidarity, we are committed to an association of volunteers, Les Hôtels Solidaires, which collects pastries, food and hygiene products that are to be thrown away and donates them to people in need.
Training and small eco-responsible actions
- Our teams are trained in sustainable development.
- We select our partners with this in mind and we ensure they are aware of these issues.
- For our suppliers, we favour family and local businesses that share our values.
- Our teams have adopted many small actions such as turning off unneeded lights, putting computers on standby, not printing unnecessary documents, etc.

Digital responsibility
- We have voluntarily chosen not to have a website for each of our hotels, preferring a single common site for the entire Magna Arbor group and its establishments, thereby consuming less energy.
Partnerships that make sense
We are members of Les Hôtels Solidaires, an association which fights to avoid waste and help people in need. Volunteers regularly call at our three hotels to collect uneaten breakfast products (breads, pastries, etc.) or any hygiene products that can be used to help those in difficulty.
We offer you the opportunity to act in support of Reforest Action, an association which aims to maintain and replant forests in France and around the world. By booking directly on our site, you can donate up to €1 to help reduce our carbon footprint.
For our welcome coffee, we chose the Nature Bio capsules from the "Happy Cafés" brand. This company employs people with disabilities in several shops in France and aims to open hearts to the contributions of the differently abled.

Labellisés SHe TRAVEL 2024 (« Safe & Happy Everywhere »), nous souhaitons améliorer le voyage des femmes. En certifiant nos hôtels (niveau SILVER pour l'Istria et le Coypel, niveau GOLD pour le Baldi), nos équipes composées de femmes et d’hommes, continuent de démontrer à quel point l’égalité de manière générale, mais ici plus particulièrement l’égalité des sexes est un combat du quotidien, et un engagement que nous souhaitons tenir à notre échelle. Ainsi, rendre le séjour de nos clientes féminines le plus agréable et confortable possible est une de nos priorités. Qu’il s’agisse d’un déplacement professionnel, d’un séjour mères-enfants ou autre, nous envisageons toutes les configurations et toutes les situations, pour toutes les femmes, sans distinction.

C’est la raison pour laquelle chacun peut ici prendre connaissance des procédures, équipements et services mis en place pour notre clientèle féminine : Sur le plan de la sécurité :
- Nos hôtels garantissent la sécurité des femmes de nos hôtels avec la présence d’un hôte à l’accueil 24/24 et 7/7.
- Nos serrures sont verrouillées avec un système de cartes magnétiques. Leur mécanisme permet de lire les heures d’ouverture et de fermeture de la serrure.
- Nos équipes sont sensibilisées sur l’importance que chacune se sente confortable et en toute sécurité dans les espaces communs.
- Charlotte CUITOT, Directrice, se positionne comme la référente en charge de veiller à l’égalité des sexes et d’apporter son soutien, à son échelle, aux femmes clientes et collaboratrices qui auraient subi des violences ou mauvais traitements et qui éprouveraient le besoin de demander de l’aide. Ses coordonnées se trouvent dans la rubrique 1. Nos Hôtels (en bas de page, Contact).
Sur le plan des équipements dans la chambre :
- Miroir en pied
- Cintres en chambre
- Sèche-cheveux
Sur le plan des équipements sur demande à la réception :
- Fer à repasser
- Kits de commodités (disques de coton, lime à ongles, bonnets de douche)
- Lotion pour le corps disponible sur demande
- Fer à friser/lisseur
- Tapis de yoga
- Trousse d’urgence : protection hygiénique, dissolvant, crème hydratante, démaquillant, brosse à dents et dentifrice, balance sur demande
- Livres et jouets pour enfants sur demande

Far from being dogmatic, our commitment is always on a voluntary basis, a real process that pushes us to continually improve our ways of doing things.